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Webhook security

Securing your webhook to prevent unauthorized use

New webhook service available

This page describes the functionality of our legacy webhook offering. Learn more about our new webhook service and see how you can migrate to use it instead.

To prevent unauthorized users from posting content to your webhook, Codat can add an Authorization header to the requests sent. You can set this up either via the Codat portal or API.

Enable webhook security in the Codat portal

To enable security for your organization's webhooks.

  1. Sign in to the Codat Portal.
  2. Select Settings > Webhooks > Security.
  3. Select the authorization method you're interested in and enter the required information. By default, No Authorization is selected so security is turned off.
Authorization method or schemeDescription
BasicA base-64 encoded username and password are added to the authorization header of the HTTP request.
BearerA custom value or token is added to the authorization header.

To enable webhook security, use any valid header value in ASCII in the alertAuthHeader. For example:

PUT <>

"name": "Client Name"
"logoUrl": "https://logo.png"
"iconUrl": "https://icon.ico"
"redirectUrl": ""
"apiKey": "API-KEY"
"alertAuthHeader": "Basic amFzb246cGFzc3dvcmQ=" // API accepts any raw string value
"confirmCompanyName": false


The authorization header is included in all webhook events sent to your account.

Disable webhook security for specific rules

If you want to override webhook security for specific rules, please raise a ticket with our support team through the support request form.

Allowlisting Codat IP addresses for webhooks

Codat's webhook rules are served from static IP addresses. This means that you are able to apply an allowlisting rule to grant network access to these notifications.

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