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TrueLayer FAQs

Frequently asked questions about our TrueLayer integration

If your TrueLayer question isn't answered on this page, please contact our support team.

Codat uses TrueLayer's customer journey to link a bank account. This includes a standard landing page for all customers, and a login page for their banking institution. To find out exactly what your customers will see, set up a test company and generate a link URL as described in Test TrueLayer.

Can I specify the bank we want to connect to when we're initiating the OAuth process?

Yes. When you create a data connection to sync banking data for a company, you also supply a platform key. For more information, see Test TrueLayer.

Does Codat automatically sync banking data on a regular basis?

Banking data is synchronized in the same way as data from accounting integrations.
Configure sync settings explains how to adjust the fetch order and sync frequency to suit your requirements.

How are we billed for connections to TrueLayer accounts?

You'll be billed by Codat. Your invoice will include an additional line item for TrueLayer. For more information, get in touch with your commercial contact.

Are there any FCA regulations that need to be accounted for such as registering as an AISP?

The structure of the TrueLayer and Codat distribution agreement is designed so that you don't require any direct regulatory authorization from the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) to access data from businesses. Neither do you need to register as an account information service provider (AISP). However, you should ensure that you comply with the authorization flow requirements as detailed in the agreement. This is not legal advice. You should always consult your own advisers to confirm your regulatory requirements.

Why can't I see running balances for some transactions?

TrueLayer doesn't currently provide running balance data for transactions from Monzo or Starling, because these are not provided by the underlying bank's API.

As part of the Regulatory Technical Standards required by some institutions in Open Banking connections, SCA (Strong Customer Authentication) may impose different requirements specific to each individual bank connection. One goal of SCA is to limit the retrieval of sensitive or historical transaction data to a set period of time after the initial consent and authentication of an end-user.

This means that depending on the bank, clients may only be allowed to access as much transactional data allowed by the bank for a period of 5 minutes after the initial authentication by the end-user. After this period, banks who enforce SCA will only return 90 days of transaction data.

In layman terms, Codat will retrieve as much data as possible following authentication by your end-user. However, regulatory standards may limit the amount of data initially retrieved to 90 days.

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