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Example requests for additional banking data

Example proxy requests to the Plaid and TrueLayer APIs

Use the following examples to help you make requests to Plaid or TrueLayer endpoints through the proxy.

Example request to Plaid

All requests to the Plaid API use POST; the actual method is defined as a path parameter. This example shows a proxy request to the /item/get endpoint in the Plaid API.

POST /companies/{companyId}/connections/{connectionId}/data/proxy?endpoint=item/get
  • companyId: The ID of a company for which you are authorized to access banking data through the Plaid integration.

  • connectionId: Connection ID of a linked data connection for the specified company.

If successful, a list of Plaid items associated with the connection is returned.

Example request to TrueLayer

This example shows a proxy request to the /direct-debits endpoint in the TrueLayer Data API.

  1. Get an account ID from the Bank accounts endpoint in the Codat API:
GET /companies/{companyId}/connections/{connectionId}/data/bankAccounts
  • companyId: The ID of a company for which you are authorized to access banking data through the TrueLayer integration.

  • connectionId: Connection ID of a linked data connection for the specified company.

  1. Make a GET request to the /direct_debits endpoint in the TrueLayer API:
GET /companies/{companyId}/connections/{connectionId}/data/proxy?endpoint=accounts/{account_id}/direct_debits
  • account_id: The ID of the account in TrueLayer to retrieve direct debits for.

If successful, a list of direct debits associated with the account is returned.


Errors returned through the proxy from the Plaid or TrueLayer API always contain a canBeRetried: “Unknown” parameter in the response. This parameter can be ignored.

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