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Zoho Books limits and reduced data pulls

Information about Zoho Books API rate limits and when Codat pulls reduced datasets.

To minimize the performance impact of the rate limits described below, by default Codat pulls a reduced dataset from Zoho Books for some data types.

The following table summarizes the fields which are excluded when pulling reduced datasets from Zoho Books.

Data type pulledFields excluded

purchaseOrderRefs, lineItems, subTotal, taxAmount, note

If pulling complete datasets, the following fields on bill line items are always populated as 0.00 in Codat:

discountAmount, subTotal, taxAmount

Credit NotesLine items
CustomersAddress and contact information
InvoicesLine items

To remove these restrictions and pull complete datasets for the supported Zoho Books data types, please raise a ticket through our support request form. After removing the restrictions, fetching large volumes of data from the above data types can take multiple days to complete.

totalTaxAmount for invoices

Zoho Books doesn't support retrieving the totalTaxAmount for an invoice. As a result, when line items are excluded from invoices, Codat can't calculate the total tax due, and shows the totalTaxAmount as 0.00.

Zoho Books rate limits

The Zoho Books API has the following connection limits and rate limits:

  • API daily rate limit
  • Per-minute rate limit
  • Refresh token limit

Our Zoho Books integration works within these limits to minimize the performance impact of pulling and pushing large volumes of data. To do so, the integration maximises the number of records retrieved per API call for most data types. However, for certain data types, the integration can only fetch a single record for each API call to Zoho Books, impacting performance. This also applies to additional data types where the restrictions on pulling reduced datasets described above are removed.

API daily rate limit

The API daily rate limit lets organizations make a limited number of API calls to Zoho Books per day (up to 2,500 or 500 per user, whichever is lower);

If the cumulative number of API calls to the organization you are trying to link to exceeds the daily limit, you might encounter the following issues:

  • Queued data fetches: these are included in the next day's limit.
  • Failed data fetches: these are indicated in Codat as fetch errors.

The daily rate is shared between all API requests made to an organization from all users, and any service providers, such as Codat, that can access data through the Zoho Books API.

Per-minute rate limit

Zoho Books can make about 60 API calls per minute—the per-minute rate limit.

This rate limit can affect the performance of the integration when pulling and pushing data from Zoho Books.

Refresh token limit

The refresh token limit applies to each user.

You can connect a Zoho Books organization to one or more Codat companies a maximum of 20 times.

The refresh token limit applies to the following actions in Codat:

  • Linking new companies.
  • Re-linking existing companies.

After 21 connections, the refresh token of the initially linked company (that is, the oldest connection) is set to invalid. Any syncs from this company will fail until the company is re-linked.

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